Technical applications
Bottle opener

Customer's Expectations

This application has been developed as a demonstrator tool integrating multiple technology with very high target: the production of a composite bottle opener made of reinforced plastic, with good aesthetical quality, lighter than a traditional one but with same endurance performance.

The application results very complex also because only one part of two is produced using composite technology.


Our Solution

Cavities present different thickness and volume and for this reason each of them requires dedicated process condition in term of filling and packing phase. To ensure the target of the application HRS has adopted a valve gate system with FlexFlow technology on both cavities. FlexFlow technology allowed users to set independently for each drop stroke and position variations of pins over time ensuring the best control as possible of local flow rate and cavity pressure.

Through Flexflow it has been possible not only to reach a balanced filling despite of volume and thickness variations but also to minimize flash defects on composite sheet and optimize holding pressure for each cavity.

The tool integrates also two pressure sensors, one on each cavity, which have been used to monitor and optimize the local pressure in the cavity in strategical areas.

HRSflow system
The solution adopted by HRSflow is 2 Ma series conical valve gate drops with FlexFlow ONE actuators.
General information
Application field: Houseware
Part name: Bottle opener
Weight: 23g + 18g
Thickness: 2.5 mm + 1 mm
Material: PC + GF
Technology: Flexflow 